Sarah Collister
Bad tradwife manifesto
From have it all feminism to tradwife influencers, women are being given impossible ideals and taught to refuse limitations
Wagner: the long and short of it
Creativity consists in destruction, in turning the composer inside-out, in making fun of him.
Stolen moments
Smoking is a precious social currency in a fast atomising world
Immigration is still the elephant in the room
Violence is appalling, yet we have to understand the conditions from which it emerged
How Australia punished smokers and normalised firebombs
Smoking restrictions have fuelled the Australian tobacco wars
Don’t trust the Runnymede Trust
The law is too indulgent of political charities
Keir’s woetanical garden
Labour still don’t understand the scale of the reforms that are needed
Gender identity ideology is undermining healthcare
There is nothing “gender-affirming” about having cancer