Imran Khan
Excluding Imran Khan is cowardly and wrong
Oxford University has made a serious mistake
Why Khan’t our media do its job?
Piers Morgan shouldn’t have been soft on the former Pakistan PM
Murders for September
British detectives go abroad, as this month’s chillers take us from a fictional Spanish island to the Far East
Landscapes of allusion and illusion
On the architecture of recreation
Enthralling eclecticism
Roberto Gerhard: Don Quixote, &c. (Chandos)
Confessions of a Melbourne Bus-Fare Evader
I am become bus, destroyer of bourgeois class consciousness
The dangerous fallacy of “self-deterrence”
The concept makes little sense and could create serious risks
Smacking harms children
Smacking didn’t harm you? Maybe this debate isn’t for you
Fleeing Sally Rooney’s god
Why have critics been ignoring one of the novelist’s most important themes?
Pilot, playboy, player
This portrait of a gifted and not particularly pleasant man adds another feather to the author’s hat