Travel Writing
Shiva Naipaul
The younger brother of a controversial Nobel Prize winner who has been unjustly overlooked
Burmese days: for good and ill
There was much naivety in depicting the Anglo-Burmese engagement as one of mutual enlightenment
Alcohol and Islam
An English novelist travels the Muslim world in search of a drink
Patrick Leigh Fermor’s doomed Europe
His writing beautifully describes the older Europe that we lost
A history of the world set in stone
Popular geology writing is as old as the geological sciences themselves
The tribe that time forgot
In the heart of the Amazon basin the Korubo people live in almost total isolation
From Lima with love
Around the world to watch the bullfights
Why I still travel with my Rough Guide
The series has no equal
Like Wotan driving the storm
What it’s like to fulfil a boyhood dream on the footplate of a classic steam locomotive
A bird-lover’s lament
Patrick Galbraith’s debut offers a quirkily enjoyable journey through a netherworldly Britain