Graham Elliott
Graham Elliott writes on language and linguistics.
The beginning and end of conversation
A catholic sift through humankind’s advent and our eventual, formative babbling and beyond.
Profile: Noam Chomsky
The American linguistics professor who is forever at odds with his country
Twists of the tongue
When competing languages collide, demography eventually supersedes prestige
Recreational rioting
Is your right an existential threat to the nation or just blowing off steam? It depends on which flag you’re waving
Eric Fogey
Dr Fogey genuinely does believe that virtually every enlightened measure of the past 200 years was a mistake
Reject the culture of death
Darkness lies beyond the euthanasia rubicon
Defending life and liberty
Abortion buffer zones hurt, rather than help women and babies
The Sturgeon delusion
How the former SNP leader inspired hope and then squandered it