Jack Morgan Jones
Jack Morgan Jones is a British writer. He tweets at @JackMorganJ
How should we teach about the Holocaust?
Keir Starmer’s social engineering aims seem ill-conceived
Contra Hitchens on the election
It was reasonable not to vote to prevent a Labour majority
Violence is a feature of porn, not a bug
Aggression towards women permeates the most popular pornography
How Britain has imported Bangladeshi politics
A failure to take immigration and integration seriously means that Britain has to deal with other nation’s problems
The effects of Brexit are still being misreported
A new paper has received a lot of attention — all of it undeserved
“Bold vision”
An action or choice can perfectly well be bold without being good
The cinematic future is bright
“The End” is in sight for communal film-watching, right? Wrong
Tough on the causes of non-crime
A warm welcome back to non-crime hate incidents
Israel and the danger of perpetual war
Friends of Israel should be alarmed about the prospect of fighting on numerous fronts
Sectarianism contra socialism
How did “left-wing” MPs end up voting for the VAT exemption for private schools?