Charles Amos
Charles Amos is an English individualist writer
In defence of the right to addictions
Paternalists should stop masquerading as defenders of liberty
Immigration restrictionists need more honest arguments
Our debates are side-stepping fundamental questions of morality
Roger Scruton’s naive nationalism
Cultural nationalism is an ill-fitting model for the modern nation state
Britain should get serious about organised crime
We underestimate how much crime is the work of small, nasty groups of people
Scottish independence is dead, for now
But there is no room for complacency or appeasement
Rite of autumn
Labour is celebrating the harvest and definitely not sacrificing pensioners in the hopes that the gods grant us plenty in the coming fiscal year
The costs of assisted suicide
The trade-offs are real and extremely serious
A recipe for decline
This budget will do nothing to lift Britain from its doldrums
Minimum pricing, maximum annoyance
No one wins when the minimum price for alcohol rises
We are missing the important point on procurement
Systemic dysfunction is far more important than individual failures